
Our Polices & Procedures

Working in partnership with parents




• Parents/carers will be always welcomed

• Parents/carers will be kept informed of all aspects of their children's activities

• The role of the parent in the child’s life will be respected in all professional liaisons

• Parents/carers will be actively encouraged to participate in their child’s learning

• All parents/carers will be made aware of all the systems and policies

• Ensure that parents/carers are informed on a regular basis about their child's progress where applicable

• Make known to all parents/carers the system for registering queries, complaints, or suggestions

• Provide opportunities for parents/carers to learn about the curriculum and about young children's learning with both us and with their parents

We identify that parents/carer have the most knowledge and understanding of their children. Sharing this knowledge with us enables us to build experience in planning for the child's future development.

Children are more likely to feel secure and settled if there are good channels of communication between the parents/carers and us. An exchange of information between us and home and vice versa will consolidate learning wherever it takes place. If parents/carers become involved early in the child’s education they are likely to maintain this involvement, with many benefits to the child. 


• Children will be encouraged to be confident, independent and develop their self-esteem

• Time is spent interacting with the children at frequent intervals throughout the day

• All children will be given the opportunity to participate in play opportunities and first-hand experiences, allowing children to build on their natural curiosity as learners

• Activities will be provided to develop and promote their language and mathematical thinking, use their imagination, and develop social relationships

• All children will be listened to and what they say will be valued. Encouragement will be given to talk about what they are doing and have high expectations of what they can achieve

• To support children’s play and learning we will endeavour to organise resources, so they are readily accessible to all children of all ages and stages of development

• Children will be encouraged to ask questions to build upon their existing knowledge

• Support will be given to help children to learn about what is right and wrong

• Feeding and nappy changing (where applicable) takes place in accordance with the child’s individual needs and not as part of the daily routine

• Babies are held whilst being bottle feed (where applicable)

• Children’s individual sleeping routines are discussed and planned with the parents and respected (where applicable)

Covid 19 Policy

Blooming Wild intend to use this policy to provide precautionary measures to minimize transmission risks of disease in the setting during an epidemic or pandemic.

Legislation and leading authorities which have guided and influenced this policy are:

Coronavirus Act 2020, Health and Safety at Work Act (1974), Health and Safety Executive (HSE), Government Briefings, Public Health England (PHE) and World Health Organization (WHO). Advice from but not limited to, The Secretary of State, The Chief Medical Officer, Local Authority (LA) and Department for Education (DfE). The policy also has regard to Ofsted and Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) guidance where appropriate.

Aim of Policy

This Policy defines and assists the operating arrangements in place within the setting that assures compliance to the Government and leading bodies requirements with relation to the outbreak of a pandemic such as Covid19. This policy will be reviewed regularly in line with the government guidelines.

As early years providers we ensure to offer a continuum of extremely high standards of practice of childcare and education. The fundamental principles to be outlined in this policy are set out to ensure physical distancing is enabled and implement good hygiene practices as well as avoiding coming into contact with infected children and adults or anyone displaying symptoms. It states the protective measures put in place for children, parents, and staff as best as possible to ensure the risk of transmission is reduced. We will continue to follow our other policies if they do not conflict with this policy.

The main areas we will be considering are:

• Minimising contact with individuals who are unwell

• Maintaining personal and respiratory hygiene (handwashing, catch it, kill it, bin it)

• Ensuring cleanliness of the environment (especially frequently touched surfaces and resources)

• Minimising general contact and mixing (creating bubbles)

• The use of Protective and Personal Equipment (PPE)

• Testing

Focus/ Areas of Consideration / Recommendations



• Only children who are symptom free or have completed the required isolation period should attend the setting.

• It is the parent / careers responsibility to be open and honest with the setting and keep your child at home if they or anyone in the same household is showing any of the following symptoms: HIGH TEMPERATURE, CONTINUOUS COUGH, LOSS OF TASTE OR SMELL or has had a positive test result or been contacted by track at trace.

Physical Distancing/grouping

• Children in small groups should have the same staff team caring for them wherever possible to limit the amount of people coming into contact with each other.

• Care routines including provision of meals, nappy changing, and toileting should be within the space allocated to each ‘bubble’ and thoroughly deep cleaned after every use.

• The use of communal internal spaces should be restricted as much as possible and outdoor spaces should be utilised as much as possible and used by ‘bubbles’ in different areas during the day.

• Sunscreen should be applied by the parents / carers before the child arrives at the setting. T shirts covering shoulders and leggings would be preferable to minimise how much top up of the preschool staff will do.

Wellbeing and education

• Children should be supported in age appropriate ways to understand the steps they can take to keep themselves safe including regular hand washing on entry and continuously throughout the day, coughing/ sneezing into an elbow, using a tissue and adopting a catch it, kill it, bin it regime.

• Children should be supported to understand the changes and challenges they may be encountering because of Covid-19 and staff need to ensure they are aware of children’s attachments and their need for emotional support at this time.

• EYFS framework will continue to be delivered through play and adult led activities.

• Children will have access of fresh drinks of water throughout the day if they are thirsty, staff will monitor this to ensure no cross contamination of beakers.



• Staff should only attend preschool if they are symptom free, have completed the required isolation period or achieved a negative test result. All staff and their household are eligible for testing if they display symptoms.

• Staff hours, days they work, and length of day may change in order to meet childcare demands and considerations within this policy.

Physical distancing/ grouping /safety

• Staff to be informed of measures in place and any new or updated policies and procedures.

• Staff have been advised by the government not to wear PPE such as facemasks during their day but should continue to wear PPE at the usual times such as intimate care and wear disposable gloves and apron if completing one to one care and if supporting an ill child, a face mask and visor should also be worn if a 2 metre distance cannot be maintained.

• After dealing with an ill child who displayed symptoms the staff member should continue to wear PPE and clean the affected area with disinfectant.

• All PPE should be removed and disposed of following current government guidelines, the staff member should wash their hands for at least 20 seconds.

• The staff member who supported the unwell child does not need to go home unless they are developing symptoms themselves.

• Social distancing must be maintained during breaks. This may be achieved through a range of strategies including the staggering of breaks and subdivision of spaces allocated to team breaks where possible.

• Staff may be required to oversee specific rooms or areas including the outdoors to minimise their contact with surfaces etc. This includes potentially working from one table if tabletop toys are available. Staff will be responsible to ensure appropriate cleaning takes place and enough ventilation is in the room such as opening windows. If doors are open, staff will ensure the safety of the children is maintained through continuous risk assessments.

• Staff to wear fresh, clean clothes for each day.


• Where possible, meetings and training sessions should be conducted through virtual conferencing.

• All staff members must receive appropriate instruction and training in infection control and the standard operating procedure and risk assessments within which they will be operating.

• Online training may be available to allow their training levels to be maintained if appropriate.


Physical distancing

• Only parents who are symptom free and or have completed the required isolation periods will be able to drop off or collect their child.

• Stagger the drop off and collection timings where possible will avoid a queue of families waiting to enter nursery.

• When parents are waiting to drop off or collect their child, physical distancing should be maintained in a safe area sticking to government social distancing policies.

• The provider should consider measures to minimise contact between the parent and other children and staff members.

• Parents will not be allowed into classrooms .


• Parents should receive clear communication regarding the role they play in the safe operating procedure and all measures being taken to ensure the safety of their children and themselves.

• Parents should inform the setting of their circumstances and if they plan to keep their child away.

• Although handovers are kept to minimum, we encourage parents and staff to have regular communication.

• Any parent meetings can be arranged via zoom or phone at a convenient time for both the key person and parent/ guardian.


• Attendance to the setting should be restricted to only children and staff as far as practically possible and visitors should not be permitted to the setting unless essential (e.g. essential building maintenance).

• Where essential visits are required, these should be made outside of the usual setting operational hours where possible, if this is not possible the area will be cleared of children, staff and the visitor will be asked to wear appropriate PPE. Any Visitors MUST have their temperature taken upon arrival. Any Visitor that refuses to comply will be denied access to the setting.

• Parents and carers should not enter the premises, unless necessary in an emergency.


• Wherever possible staff and parents should travel to the setting alone, using their own transport or if possible, walk.

• If public transport is necessary, current guidance on the use of public transport must be followed.

• Outings from the setting will continue to local parks and outside walks but will be restricted in more confined areas to ensure mixing with members of the public does not happen.

Hygiene and Health & Safety

Hand Washing

• All children and staff must use sanitising gel upon arrival.

• Children and staff members should be encouraged to wash their hands frequently, this includes before and after eating food, after visiting the toilet or playing outdoors, after sneezing, blowing their nose or coughing into their hand and dealing with unwell individuals.

• Bodily fluid spills should follow the correct procedures as normal.


• An enhanced cleaning schedule must be implemented that includes furniture, surfaces and children’s toys and equipment and all staff are responsible in their area of work.

• Communal area, touch points and hand washing facilities must be cleaned and sanitised regularly and cleaned thoroughly every night.

• A deep clean may be needed after a child has become ill in the area they were waiting.

Waste disposal

• All waste must be disposed of in a hygienic and safe manner following government guidelines.

• Tissues must be immediately disposed of and placed in a bin with a bag.

• Bodily fluids must be double bagged and disposed of in a bin with a bag, lid, and foot pedal.


• All items within the setting requiring laundering must be washed in line with NHS laundry guidelines.

• Items such as towels, flannels and bedding must not be shared by children.

Risk assessment

• The setting and all activity should be risk assessed before opening or going ahead to address the risks from the virus and due consideration given to any adaptations to usual practice. Sensible measures should be put in place and policies and procedures followed.

• It is expected that would include, but not be limited, to the suspension of learning experiences involving materials which are not easily washable such as malleable materials (dough, clay) and the suspension of the sharing of food and utensils.

• Cut down on the available resources out in the setting.

• Remove anything which cannot be easily wiped down or washed at the end of the day.


• Government guidance is that PPE is not required for general use in early years settings to protect against COVID- 19 transmission.

• PPE should continue to be worn and disposed of as normal for nappy changing, one to one care and the administration of first aid.

• If a child shows symptoms, staff should wear a face mask, visor, disposable gloves, and apron if a 2-meter distance cannot always be maintained. PPE should be disposed of following government guidelines

Premises Building

• Keep windows open where possible to ensure good levels of ventilation. If doors are opened ensure the children safety is maintained with locked gates.


• Children should not be permitted to bring items from home into the setting unless essential for their wellbeing. Anything that is brought in from home should remain in the child’s bag on their peg.

• All resources required for play and learning experiences of children should be regularly washed and/or sterilized. Any resources which are difficult to clean should be removed.

• Equipment used by staff such as stationary, tablets etc. should be allocated to individual staff members where possible and cleaned regularly.

Supplies Procurement & monitoring

• The setting should ensure an adequate supply of essential supplies and contingency plans such as additional suppliers are in place to minimise the impact of any shortages of supplies.

• The setting will not be able to operate without essential supplies required for ensuring infection control.

• A monitoring system for the usage of PPE is essential to ensure that a supply of stock is available to all who require it as and when required to meet the operational needs of the setting. When stocks are low, other options may be considered, such as the use of washable tabards and facemasks. These items will be washed at a high temperature in accordance with relevant guidelines and separate to any other washing.

Responding to a suspected case

• In the event of a child developing suspected coronavirus symptoms whilst attending the setting, they should be collected as soon as possible and isolate at home in line with the current NHS guidance.

• Whilst waiting for the child to be collected they should be isolated from others in a previously identified room or area. If possible, a window should be opened for ventilation.

• The staff member responsible for the child during this time should be a staff member from their ‘bubble’. The provider may consider suitable PPE for this staff member such as the addition of face mask and disposable gloves.

• The area should be thoroughly cleaned, immediately.

• The person responsible for cleaning ideally should be the person dealing with the unwell child and should continue to wear their PPE. This should then be disposed of according to current government guidelines.

• In the event of a staff member developing suspected coronavirus symptoms whilst working at the nursery, they should return home immediately and isolate at home in line with the NHS guidance. They should also follow current testing advice for themselves and their household.

In the event of a positive case, outbreak, or closure.

• Parents/ carers are responsible to notify a member of the management team at the earliest point of receiving a positive test result.

• Additional cleaning will be arranged to ensure minimal spread of the virus.

• The manager will notify Ofsted, environmental health, and the local authority as well as gain advice from the LUTON coronavirus cell and DFE (department for education).


The toys and equipment provide opportunities for children to develop new skills and concepts in their play and exploration. The equipment we provide:

• Is appropriate for the ages and stages of the children

• Is sufficient for both indoor and outdoor play

• Offers challenges to developing physical, social, personal, and intellectual skills

• Features positive images of people, both male and female, from a range of ethnic and cultural groups, with and without disabilities

• Includes a range of raw materials, which can be used in a variety of ways and encourages an open-ended approach to creativity and problem solving

• Will enable children, with support, to develop individual potential and move towards required learning outcomes (where applicable)

• Conforms to all relevant safety regulations and is sound and well made

• Is appropriate in order for children to sleep or rest (where applicable)

• Is sufficiently available for the needs of children attending e.g. high chairs, safety gates, cots, bottle sterilizer, cups etc (where applicable)


• No hot drinks in any rooms occupied by a child/children

• No inappropriate jewellery to be worn by staff

• No running inside the premises

• Children will be encouraged to run outside in a safe environment

• All cleaning material/toilet cleaner is placed out of reach of children

• Scissors or any other potentially dangerous objects are not left lying around within reach of young children

• All accidents are recorded in the accident book

• Sleeping babies are frequently checked and recorded (where applicable)

• Toys and equipment are appropriate for the child’s age and care is taken at all times, ensuring babies and toddlers do not have access to toys or other articles which may cause them harm

• We constantly take reasonable steps to ensure that hazards to children on the premises both inside and outside are always minimised.


• The premises, including the outside play area are secure at all times and children are not able to leave them unsupervised at any time

• All children are under direct supervision of the qualified person or assistant at all times. Supervision will be sufficient to ensure that the children are safe at all times


• The outside play area is supervised at all times and is maintained to high level at all times

• All outdoor water activities are closely supervised at all times

• No hazardous plants are kept indoors or outdoors at any time


• Children do not have access to the kitchen at any time

• Gas, electrical and other appliances, and fittings conform to safety requirements and do not pose a hazard to children


• The setting has a fire alarm system which is maintained, tested and inspected in accordance to Fire Safety Regulations


• Proper arrangements such as car seats, pushchairs etc are made available for children to be safely escorted to local parks, playgrounds, and other venues on a regular basis

• A first aid kit is carried on all outings along with all emergency telephone numbers for each child

• We ensure the safe control of the children whilst out walking and keep a vigilant watch at all times

• Children are never left unattended on outings at any time

• It is the responsibility of the parents/carers to ensure the safe arrival and collection of their children respecting other road users at all times

• Where public playgrounds are used, we ensure that the children do not use faulty equipment


• We carry public liability insurance at all times


• There is no smoking on the premises in the presence of children at any time

• The premises and equipment is kept clean and levels of hygiene are maintained to a high standard at all times

• Each child has their own bed linen which is washed weekly (where applicable)

• Baby wipes are used to clean the children and are disposed of immediately to prevent cross infection

• All the children are encouraged to learn about personal hygiene through the daily routine e.g., washing hands after using the toilet, playing with animals etc


• All food is hygienically stored, prepared and served

• There is adequate provision for the sterilisation of feeding bottles and utensils and the preparation of baby food (where applicable)

• All persons handling food will hold all relevant health & safety and food & hygiene certificates


Good food hygiene is essential to prevent the risk of food poisoning and the possible transmission of infection.

It is always our intention to ensure we provide those in our care with safe, healthy and nutritious food. This applies equally to staff that also eat food prepared on our premises.

For this reason, any person who is involved in handling food in any way will receive suitable instruction in food hygiene whether that instruction is external of internal. Such a person will have demonstrated they understand good food hygiene before they are allowed to handle food.

This means persons handling food understand good food hygiene practices and are personally responsible for any breaches which could lead to disciplinary action; such is the significance we place on good consistent food standards.


• No medicine will be administered unless the parent/carer has discussed its use and given prior written permission

• Parents/carers are asked to keep their children at home if they have any infection, and to inform us as to the nature of the This is so we can alert other parents, and make careful observations of any child who seems unwell

• Children who arrive unwell will not be accepted as this is unfair on the child who is ill, other children and ourselves

• Parents/carers are asked not to bring any child who has been vomiting or had diarrhoea until at least 48 hours has elapsed since the last occurrence

• If medicine is to be given we ensure that:

• Medicine is stored in its original container, clearly labelled and inaccessible to children

• Medicine other than Calpol, which has not been prescribed by a doctor for the child will not be administered

• Where a child has a specific long term condition, we will endeavour to understand the medical condition thoroughly and the medication (if any) that they are required to have

• Written records are kept of medicines administered to children and the parent/carer must sign the record book each day before the child is left in our care

• No prescribed medicine will be administered to any child without prior checks by a qualified person

• If the administration of any prescribed medication requires technical/medical knowledge then individual training must be provided for the qualified staff from a qualified health professional. Training must be specific to the individual child concerned


• There is a first aid box, the contents of which is determined by the current first aid training course. Contents are checked frequently and replaced as necessary. This is located in the secure cupboard in toilet area 1.

• Written permission is requested, at the time of the placement, to seek any necessary emergency medical advice or treatment in the future

• A record is maintained, signed by the parent/carer, of any accidents

• All staff on the premises attend training in first aid and hold current first aid certificates as approved by OFSTED. All first aid certificates will be updated, and refresher courses attended by staff when they are required


The sharing of refreshments can play an important part in the social life of children as well as reinforcing children’s understanding of the importance of healthy eating. We ensure that;

• All snacks and meals provided are nutritious avoiding large quantities of fat, sugar, salt, additives, preservatives and

• Children’s medical and personal dietary requirements are respected

• The milk provided for children is whole and pasteurised for children under the age of 1- 2 years and semi-skimmed for children aged over 2 years in line with the national guidelines and is always available

• An agreement is made with parents/carers as to which meals and snacks are to be provided by us and the kinds of food to be provided

• Fresh drinking water is always available to children

• In the event a child requires specially prepared foods to meet cultural needs the parents/carers are requested to supply those meals

• We require information from parents/carers about special dietary requirements, preferences, and food allergies the child may have. Where these exist, we make a record and take heed of the information provided


This policy reflects government guidelines which we have adopted, about healthy eating. We believe that food has a significant role to play in determining the health and well-being of all our individuals.

We endeavour to help children develop a positive attitude to healthy eating and encourage healthy patterns within the nursery community and beyond.


• To encourage children, parents and staff to opt for healthier snacks

• To help children and staff to understand the importance of a healthy and safe diet

• To ensure that everyone understands what healthier choices are.


• A planned programme of food and nutrition will be delivered as part of the overall approach to child care.

• Healthier Eating will be promoted in a consistent way by all staff

• Children and staff will be treated with equal respect in dining areas and encouraged to eat socially.

• Children and staff will have continuous access to drinking water.

• Sweets as treats will not be used.

• All educational materials related to food will be assessed for accuracy and updated.


We recognise the importance that children and young people can only enjoy and benefit from the nursery environment when they are well.

Children and young people who are unwell require special care from their parent/carer(s) and should not attend nursery until they are able to:

• participate in both indoor and outdoor activities fully

• feel able to participate and benefit from mealtimes

• enjoy and positively contribute within the group to their full individual ability

• demonstrate good energy and vitality levels

• to have the ability to concentrate (appropriate to their age and development)


We believe that good childcare is, by definition, non-sexist and non-racist and that the elimination of both will benefit the children.

• We encourage the children to join in all activities, i.e., dressing up, shop, home corner, dolls, climbing on large apparatus, bikes etc

• All children and adults for whom we provide a service are treated with equal concern and we have regard to relevant anti-discriminatory good practice. We ensure that all children have equal access to the appropriate range of activities and facilities available

• We liaise with parents/carers to ensure that children’s records contain information which enables appropriate care to be given

• We encourage positive role models, displayed through toys, imaginary play etc., that promote non-stereotyped images. Books are also selected to promote such images of both men and women, boys, and girls

• We regularly review the childcare practices to remove any of those which discriminate unfairly on the grounds of gender

• We acknowledge that pre-conceptions relating to gender and sexism are abundant within language and will challenge such language where appropriate

• No child will be refused admission on grounds of race or religion


The policy has been written to meet the nursery’s statutory duty under the Race Relations Amendment Act 2000. General and specific duties are required as follows:

The general duty requires us to have due regard to the need to:

• Eliminate racial discrimination

• Promote equality of opportunity

• Promote good relations between people of different racial groups The specific duty requires us to:

• Prepare a written policy on racial equality.

• Assess the impact of our policies, including this policy, on children, staff, and parents, of different racial groups, including, in particular, the impact on attainment levels of these children.

• Monitor the operation of our policies through the impact they have on such children, staff and parents, with particular reference to their impact on the attainment levels of such

Our nursery values the individuality of children. We are committed to giving all our children every opportunity to achieve the highest standards. Within this ethos of achievement, we do not tolerate bullying or harassment of any kind. This policy helps to ensure that this nursery

promotes the individuality of all our children, irrespective of ethnicity, attainment, age, disability, gender or background. We aim to reflect the multi-ethnic nature of our society and ensure that the education and care we offer fosters positive attitudes to all people.

We aim to promote racial equality by providing:

• An environment that values differences of nationality, skin colour, culture, language, religion, and ethnic

• Equality of opportunity

• Good relations between persons of different racial groups

• Eliminate unlawful racial discrimination

• What you would do should there be a racist incident in your setting. This may take the form of name calling, physical violence, attitude of both children and adults that may lead to someone feeling unwelcome, excluded, powerless

The policy statement:

We recognise the need:

• For all children, staff and families to feel safe and welcome. Refer to admissions policy

• To provide curriculum and activities that embrace positive aspects of all cultures

• For everyone to promote positive attitudes that ensure equality and remove

• To work in partnership, with children, staff and families to unlearn negative attitudes and behaviour.

• To have a consistent approach to tackle


Staff responsibilities:

These include to:

• Lead by good example

• Have an awareness of the need to eliminate unlawful discrimination

• Ensure that racist remarks or attitude will not be tolerated.

• Be vigilant about racial incidents in the setting and aware of attitudes in the wider community

• Deal with racist incidents quickly, sensitively, fairly and this may involve speaking to those involved in the incident and involving others such as parents/carers in order to ensure that everyone understands the importance of removing racism and promoting positive attitudes

• Treat all children equally as individuals and as members of ethnic and cultural groups

• Increase children’s understanding of the groups to which they belong, promoting awareness of differences and similarities, thus encouraging respect between individuals

• Encourage children to speak their heritage language/mother tongue

• Use visual aids to support spoken language

• Pronounce children’s names correctly and encourage children and other adults to do so too

• Ensure planning reflects the race equality policy

• Ensure all books and resources are non-racist and reflect a positive attitude and image

Procedure for dealing with racist incidents:

In the event an incident occurs we will follow the Luton Borough Council procedure for dealing with racist incidents

Director role:


The Equal opportunities co-ordinator is responsible for:

• Ensuring staff are made aware of the policy and procedures. (Not forgetting newly appointed staff, students, temporary staff, and helpers).

• Promoting and monitoring the ethos of the setting

• Recording racist incidents and monitoring for patterns of behaviour Role and responsibility of the Management:

The management is responsible for:

• Making links to other policies

• Reviewing the policy annually

• Stating how they will liaise with the co-ordinator LA Support Services

A list of available support services:

• Early Years Inclusion Officers

• Traveller Education Service 01582 861063

• Childcare Advice and support Officer 01582 548995

Useful References

The integration of Refugee Children:

Commission for Racial Equality:

Recruitment and Selection Policy

The purpose of this policy is to set out our approach to recruitment and selection and our commitment to equality, diversity, and fairness.

2. Our approach to Recruitment and Selection

• Having the right person in the right place at the right time is crucial to organisational excellence. We are committed to ensuring that all stages of the recruitment process - writing the role profile and person specification, advertising, attracting and managing applications, selecting candidates, making the appointment and inducting the new employee - are conducted fairly and effectively.

• Line managers are responsible for recruitment in conjunction with the overall Director. Everyone involved in recruitment and selection has a responsibility to make sure that this policy is adhered to

• Selection methods will be reliable, objective and guard against bias. Essential and desirable requirements for roles will be published in the job The selection process normally consists of a (paper) short list and if successful, applicants are invited to interview. All members of recruitment panels will have received guidance/briefing on recruitment and selection techniques.

• As part of our commitment to customer care, we offer feedback to all unsuccessful interviewed candidates on

3. How our Equality and Diversity Policy is reflected in the recruitment and selection process

• We recognise the positive value of diversity which promotes equality and challenges unfair discrimination. We always aim to recruit the person who is most suited to the job and welcome applications from people of all backgrounds - men and women, people of all ages, nationalities, religions, and beliefs. We also welcome applications from lesbian, gay and bisexual people as we wish to maintain the current balanced representation of people from all sexual orientations in our organisation

• Selection for employment will be fair and equitable and based solely based on the applicant’s abilities and individual merit assessed against the criteria for the job. We will not discriminate or tolerate discriminatory behaviour on the grounds of race, colour, sex, transgender, disability, nationality, national or ethnic origin, religion or belief, marital/partnership or family status, sexual orientation, age, social class, educational background, employment status, working pattern, trade union membership or any other irrelevant factor

• Our roles are open to discussion about flexible working, which would include arrangements such as part-time working, formalised flexitime, fixed (non-standard) working hours and job-sharing dependent upon the needs of the individual.

• Monitoring recruitment and selection procedures is one way of helping us to ensure that there is no unfair discrimination in the way that we recruit people. To do this we ask about the diversity profile of people who apply for posts. This information is given in confidence, separate from the application form, and is not seen by any person involved in making selection decisions. However, if applicants would prefer not to answer any of the questions, they may leave them blank.

• If any candidate feels they have been unfairly discriminated against during the recruitment and selection process, they may contact us to raise such concerns (see Complaints Procedure).

4. Disabled Applicants

• We have made a positive commitment to employing disabled people. Reasonable adjustments will be made to the recruitment procedure as required in consultation with the applicant to ensure no-one is disadvantaged because of their disability. If a disabled person is selected for a position, reasonable adjustments will be made to the workplace, including premises and equipment, work duties and practices or policies, as appropriate. All disabled applicants (as defined by the Disability Discrimination Act 1995, as amended) who meet the minimum criteria for the role as set out in the job description and person specification will be guaranteed an interview. The following gives guidance on how the Guaranteed Interview Scheme is applied.

• Minimum Criteria

These are the essential requirements that have been agreed for the post which may include qualifications, experience and skills. In setting the essential requirements, care will be taken to ensure that disabled candidates will not be disadvantaged.

• Making reasonable adjustments

Reasonable adjustments will be made as appropriate to short listing, interview and assessment arrangements, and to support candidates to do the job, should they be appointed. We invite disabled candidates to indicate on the application form if they need us to make any reasonable adjustments during the short-listing process. Only shortlisted candidates are asked if they need us to make reasonable adjustments to interview or assessment arrangements. When an offer of appointment is made, successful disabled candidates will be invited to discuss their requirements for reasonable adjustments to support them in the job.

Disabled applicants may discuss their requirements for reasonable adjustments at any stage of the recruitment process with the manager or Owner.

5. Entitlement to work in the UK

To comply with the provisions of the Asylum and Immigration Act 1996, successful candidates will be asked to provide evidence of their entitlement to work in the UK before an offer of employment can be confirmed.

6. Complaints Procedure

Any candidate who considers that they have been unfairly treated or discriminated against should contact the Manager within two weeks of a selection decision being made. Complaints received will be taken seriously and investigated promptly and sensitively, and we will advise of the outcome.


• If we identify a child in our care as possibly having special needs, or a disability, we will undertake to discuss our observations with the parent/carer and we are proactive in ensuring that they are welcomed

• Children with special needs are provided with relevant activities and play opportunities that promote their welfare and development

• We will consult with parents/carers about the need for any special services and equipment for the children in our care

• The privacy of any child with special needs when intimate care is being provided will be always kept


The aims of this policy are:

• To provide every opportunity to develop children’s and adult’s full potential

• To ensure all children, staff and visitors feel valued, cared for, listened to and encouraged to challenge themselves to the best of their ability

• To reduce and eliminate barriers to the curriculum, and all aspects of nursery life for children, staff, parents and visitors with a disability

It is our duty to make sure that:

• We do not to treat disabled children less favourably for a reason related to their disability

• The nursery will treat every child in a fair and open-minded-way

• We will make reasonable adjustments for disabled children, so that they are not at a substantial disadvantage

• We will plan to increase access to education and care for disabled children

• We do not allow any form of harassment of people with a disability

• We will promote positive attitudes towards anyone living with a disability

• We will wherever possible, through reasonable adjustment remove barriers which may discourage disabled people from playing a full part in the life of our nursery

• We will wherever possible, through reasonable adjustment encourage full participation by everyone in our nursery activities

Definitions of disability:

A person has a disability if he/she has a physical or mental impairment that is:

• Substantial

• Long-term and

• Has an adverse effect on his/her ability to carry out normal everyday activities?

The definition is broad and includes a wide range of impairments, including learning disabilities, dyslexia, diabetes, or epilepsy where the effect of the impairment on the person’s ability to carry out normal day to day activities is adverse, substantial and long term.

The definition can include a wide range of impairments such as

• dyslexia

• autism

• speech and language impairments


Impairment does not in itself mean a person is disabled. It is the effect on the person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities that has to be considered.

Activities such as:

• mobility

• manual dexterity

• physical co-ordination

• continence

• ability to lift, carry or otherwise move everyday objects

• speech, hearing and eyesight

• memory or ability to concentrate, learn or understand

• perception of risk of physical danger

Some people are automatically covered by the definition: those with cancer, multiple sclerosis, HIV infection or a severe disfigurement.

Type of Disability:

• Physical impairment


• Mobility difficulties, limb malformation, missing limb


• N/A

Type of Disability:

• Sensory Impairment


• Sight & hearing impairment


• Sight problems, corrected with glasses or lenses do not qualify

Type of Disability:

• Learning Difficulty, including specific learning difficulty


• Dyslexia, dyscalculia & dyspraxia


• N/A

Type of Disability:

• Medical Condition


• Diabetes, arthritis, cancer, depression and many other conditions which require long term treatment


• N/A

Type of Disability:

• Social, emotional and behavioural difficulties


• Behaviour and emotional differences which impact on daily life such as ADHD, ASD and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder


• N/A

Type of Disability:

• Speech and language


• Development delay or physical difficulties leading to additional Speech and Language needs


• N/A


We aim to remove any barriers that we find are making life more difficult for people with disabilities. These barriers may be lessened by making "reasonable adjustments" to:

Area of Focus:

• The building and grounds

Action Taken:

• Structured and supportive playtime and lunchtime activities such as additional support staff, enhanced learning programme focusing on inclusive activities

• Ensure wherever possible, through reasonable adjustments all areas are made accessible and safe such as ramps for wheel chairs, additional staff available where possible to individuals

• Denote hazards for the visually impaired

• Flexibility of seating arrangements to suit need

• Lighting and paint schemes to help visually impaired children

• Carpets and acoustic tiling of classrooms to help hearing impaired pupils

Are of Focus:

• Care and Learning

Action Taken:

• We will review and monitor to ensure disabled children make progress in line with their abilities, we will then evaluate and adapt our practice accordingly

• Development of each individual is monitored and „value added‟ considered

• Additional support (small group or 1:1) will be provided where possible

• Individual targets and IEPs ensure aptness of caring and learning strategies

• Targets are monitored regularly

• Targets and progress towards them are reported to parents regularly

• Using our Assessment Manager and monitoring system in nursery by senior staff, we can track and analyse the achievement of all our children including the screening of language and communication

• Review of policies in nursery is ongoing

• Include sign language to learning framework for all children

• Classroom organisation such as equipment placed carefully for visually impaired children ensuring a safer environment

• Promoting support from other children through awareness

Area of Focus:

• Communication methods

Action Taken:

• Use of ICT resources by children

• Visual timetables

• Informal discussions with parents

• Telephone messages and conversations with parents

• Website updates

• Sharing information where appropriate with other professionals

• Sign posting parents to further help and support through groups, education advisors, health visitors, GP’s

Area of Focus:

• Awareness of individuals needs

Action Taken:

• Training for staff on a broad range of disabilities such as epilepsy, autism

• Discussion on ideas, concerns, challenges staff may encounter

The effectiveness of these adjustments will be monitored regularly, and feedback will come from:

• Children’s views wherever possible

• Parental questionnaires

• Staff opinions

• Other visitors and users of the school

• Outside Agencies Disclosure

Parents will be requested to provide the Nursery with copies of the child’s latest medical report, educational psychologist’s report and any other information regarding the child’s disability.

If, after the offer of a place within the Nursery has been made, it is discovered that the nursery has not received full disclosure of information relating to the child’s disability and the nursery is unable to make Reasonable Adjustments for those disabilities, then the nursery may withdraw the offer of a place or ask the parent to withdraw a child who has already joined.

The nursery will not offer a place if, after all Reasonable Adjustments have been made, the Nursery will not be able to provide adequately or appropriately for the child’s physical and developmental needs. In the instance the Nursery will inform the parents of their decision and give details of the Reasonable Adjustments they are prepared to make or give reasons why the offer of a place will not be made.


Statement of intent

We recognise that children and young people become “Looked After” either if they have been taken into Care by the local authority or have been accommodated by the local authority (a voluntary care arrangement).

Most Looked After Children (LAC) will be living in foster homes but a smaller number may be in a children’s home, living with a relative or even be placed back at home with their natural parent(s).


We aim to provide quality education for every child, based on equality of opportunity, access and outcomes. We recognise that, nationally, there is considerable educational underachievement of Looked After Children, when compared with their peers, and is committed to implementing best principles and practice. The Children Act places a duty to safeguard Looked After Children, to promote their educational achievements and to ensure that they can “achieve to and reach their full potential”. The Guidance recognises the collective responsibility of local authorities and Nurseries to achieve good parenting and sets out six principles:

• Prioritising education

• Having high expectations

• Inclusion – changing and challenging attitudes

• Achieving continuity and stability

• Early intervention – priority action

• Listening to children

The Guidance also introduced two key measures:

• To ensure designated LAC co-ordinators are nominated in every case.

• To ensure Personal Education Plans (PEPs) are in place for all Looked After

The management is committed to ensuring that nominated LAC coordinators are enabled to carry out their responsibilities effectively.

Role and Responsibility of the LAC Co-ordinator

The current nominated LAC co-ordinator can be found displayed around the nursery as well as in the policy manual.

The LAC co-ordinator should:

• Be an advocate for Looked After Children

• Ensure a smooth and welcoming induction for the child and carer/s (and parent/s where possible). Note any specific requirements, including care status

• Ensure that a Personal Education Plan is completed (within 20 days of entering care or joining the nursery), in liaison with the social worker and other relevant support workers/agencies. Where appropriate, the PEP should take account of any Individual Educational Plan (IEP), Pastoral Support Plan (PSP), Individual Behaviour Plan (IBP), career plan or any other relevant plans. The PEP should inform and be reviewed

• Ensure that each LAC has an identified member of staff that they can talk to

• Co-ordinate support for the child in the Nursery and liaise with other professionals and carers as necessary

• Ensure all staff and the Manager receive information and training

• Ensure confidentiality for individual children and only share personal information on a need-to-know basis

• Provide written information to assist planning or review meetings and ensure attendance as far as possible

• Seek urgent meetings with relevant parties where the child is experiencing difficulties and/or is in danger of being excluded

Role and Responsibility of all staff

• As with all children, have high aspirations and celebrate the educational and personal achievement of Looked After Children

• Be familiar with the Guidance on Looked After Children and respond appropriately to requests for information to support the completion of PEPs and other documentation needed as part of review meetings

• Liaise with the nominated co-ordinator where a LAC is experiencing difficulty

• Liaise with the Educational Psychologist at LBC concerned with LAC as and when necessary for advice or otherwise at all stages of the child’s inclusion with us.

Role and Responsibility of the Nursery Management - The Nursery Management will:

• Ensure that admission criteria prioritise LAC, according to the Code of Practice on Admissions

• Ensure all management staff are fully aware of the legal requirements and Guidance for LAC

• Ensure that there is a named nominated co-ordinator for LAC

• Nominate a manager who links with the nominated staff coordinator, receives regular progress reports and provides feedback to the manager

• For child protection and confidentiality reasons, ensure that information will be collected and reported in ways that preserve the anonymity, and respect the confidentiality of the children concerned

• Review the effective implementation of this policy, preferably annually and at least every three years

Ensure that the Nursery’s other policies and procedures give LAC equal access in respect of:

• Admission to Nursery

• The Early Years Foundation Curriculum

• Additional educational support where this is needed Training

• The Nursery Manager, nominated co-ordinator and Inclusion Officer will be responsible for ensuring that all members of staff are briefed on the regulations and practice outlined in the guidance from the further Education and skills (DfES) and Department of Health (DoH)

• The Nursery Management will ensure that the nominated co-ordinator attends relevant training days relating to LAC


The person responsible for Behaviour Management for the Nursery Department is the (Nursery Manager), in conjunction with the Director

• We believe in promoting positive behaviour

• We aim to encourage self-discipline

• By praising children and acknowledging their positive actions and attitudes we hope to ensure that children see that we value and respect them

• The rules are concerned with safety and care and respect for each Children who behave inappropriately, whether by physically abusing another child or adult, e.g., kicking, biting or verbal bullying will be removed from the group for a period of „time out‟. The child who has been upset will be comforted and the adult will confirm that the other child’s behaviour is not acceptable. It is important to acknowledge that a child is feeling angry or upset and that it is behaviour we are rejecting not the child

• How a particular type of behaviour is handled will depend on the child and the circumstances. It may involve the child being asked to talk and think about what he or she has done. The child will also be asked to see if the person who they upset is all right and, if they mean it, to say or show they are sorry

• In extreme cases the child will be removed from the situation until he or she has calmed down and had time to reflect on his or her behaviour

• We feel it is important to give children non-aggressive strategies to enable them to stand up for themselves so that adults and children listen to them. They are given opportunities to release their feelings more creatively

• The expectations about acceptable behaviour are consistent

• Parents/carers will be informed if their child is persistently unkind to others or if their child has been upset. In all cases inappropriate behaviour will be dealt with at the time. Parents/carers may be asked to meet with us to discuss their child’s behaviour, so that if there are any difficulties, we can work together to ensure consistency between home and nursery. In some cases, we may request additional advice and support from other professionals such as the Educational Psychologist or Child Guidance Counsellor

• Children do need their own time and space. It is not always appropriate to expect a child to share and it is important to acknowledge children’s feelings and help them to understand how others might be feeling

• Children are encouraged to recognise bullying, fighting, hurting, and racist comments are not acceptable We want children to recognise that certain actions are right and that others are wrong

• At no time will raised voices or shouting in a threatening manner be Children are never shaken or any type of physical punishment used

• To provide the children with consistent discipline the parents/carers are asked to enforce the behaviour policy when bringing and collecting their children

• No physical intervention of any form e.g., holding, (unless it is necessary to prevent personal injury to the child, other children or an adult or serious damage to property) will be used. Any incident will be recorded, and the parent/carer informed of the incident on the day

• We believe in the handling of behaviour must be developmentally appropriate, respecting individual’s level of understanding and maturity

By positively promoting good behaviour, valuing co-operation and a caring attitude we hope to ensure that children will develop as responsible members of society

Policy for Physical Intervention and Restraint

In our setting, we are committed to a positive behaviour policy which encourages children to make positive behaviour choices. We do however recognise that children sometimes do make the wrong choices. On rare occasions this may result in a situation that requires some form of physical intervention by staff. Our policy for physical intervention is based upon the following principles:

• Physical intervention should be used only as a last resort when other appropriate strategies have failed

• Any physical contact should be only the minimum required

• Physical intervention must be used in ways that maintain the safety and dignity of all concerned

• Incidents must be recorded and reported to the Manager as soon as possible

• Parents will be informed of each incident

1. The Legal Framework

• The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) sets out the Safeguarding and Welfare Requirements that Early Years Practitioners should In addition, all settings must have a regard to Working Together to Safeguard Children (DCSF, 2010). This states all early year’s providers, regardless of type, size or funding of the setting, must manage children’s behaviour effectively and in a manner appropriately for their stage of development and particular individual needs.

2. Our approach

We aim to avoid the need for physical intervention and regard this as a last resort in a tiny minority of situations. We always aim to deal with behaviour using a positive approach and therefore this policy should be read in connection with our Behaviour Policy.

It is not possible to define every circumstance in which physical restraint would be necessary or appropriate and staff will have to exercise their own judgement in situations which arise within the above categories.

Staff should always act within our policy on behaviour and discipline, particularly in dealing with disruptive behaviour.

Staff should be aware that when they oversee children during the day, or during other supervised activities, they are acting in loco parentis and have a Duty of Care to all children they oversee. They must, therefore, take reasonable action to ensure all pupils‟ safety and wellbeing.

Staff are not expected to place themselves in situations where they are likely to suffer injury because of their intervention.

3. Use of physical restraint

Physical restraint should be applied as an act of care and control with the intention or re-establishing verbal control as soon as possible and, at the same time, allowing the child to regain self-control. It should never take a form which could be seen as punishment.

Staff are only authorised to use reasonable force in applying physical restraint, although there is no absolute definition of this. What constitutes reasonable force depends upon the situation and the child to whom it is being applied. However, as a rule, only the force necessary to stop or prevent danger should be used, in accordance with the guidelines below.

In all circumstances, alternative methods should be used as appropriate with physical intervention or restraint, a last resort.

When physical restraint becomes necessary:

• Tell the child what you are doing and why

• Use the minimum force necessary

• Involve another member of staff if possible

• Tell the child what s/he must do for you to remove the restraint (this may need frequent repetition)

• Use simple and clear language

• Hold limbs above a major joint if possible, e.g. above the elbow

• Relax your restraint in response to the child’s compliance

4. Actions after an incident

Physical restraint often occurs in response to highly charged emotional situations and there is a clear need for debriefing after the incident, both for the staff involved and the pupil. The Manager should be informed of any incident as soon as possible and will take responsibility for making arrangements for debriefing once the situation has stabilised. An appropriate member of staff should always be involved in debriefing the child involved and any victims of the incident should be offered support, and their parents informed.

If the behaviour is part of an ongoing pattern, it may be necessary to address the situation through the development of a behavioural IEP, which may include an anger management programme, or other strategies agreed by the SENCO. This may require additional support from, other services, for example the LA.

It is also helpful to consider the circumstances precipitating the incident to explore ways in which future incidents can be avoided.

All incidents should be recorded immediately. All sections of this report should be completed so that any patterns of behaviour can be identified and addressed.

In the event of any future complaint or allegation this record will provide essential and accurate information.

A copy should be filed in the child’s appropriate file and in a central file to inform individual and setting risk assessments.

A member of the Management team will contact parents as soon as possible after an incident, normally on the same day, to inform them of the actions that were taken and why, and to provide them with an opportunity to discuss it.

5. Risk Assessments

If we become aware that a child is likely to behave in a disruptive way that may require the use of reasonable force, we will plan how to respond if the situation arises. Such planning will address:

• Strategies to be used prior to intervention

• Ways of avoiding triggers if these are known

• Involvement of parents to ensure that they are clear about the specific action the setting might need to take

• Briefing of staff to ensure they know exactly what action they should be taking (this may identify a need for training or guidance)

• Identification of additional support that can be summoned if appropriate

• The setting’s duty of care to all pupils and staff

6. Complaints and Allegations

A clear restraint policy, adhered to by all staff and shared with parents, should help to avoid complaints from parents. It is unlikely to prevent all complaints, however, and a dispute about the use of force by a member of staff might lead to an investigation, either under the complaints disciplinary or allegation management procedures.

It is our intention to inform all staff, pupils, parents and management about these procedures and the context in which they apply.

We will review this policy on a yearly basis. References:

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) updated 2021

Working Together to Safeguard Children (DCSF, 2010) Setting Behaviour Policy

Setting Child Protection Policy Setting Safe Working Policy Setting SEN policy


In the event of a child going missing whilst in our care, the following procedure will be adhered to.

• Once a child is observed to be lost, all persons on the premises will be spoken to, to verify the child has not been taken from the setting for any reason.

• A full building search will then be undertaken to try and find the child

• If the child is still missing after the entire building has been searched, the parent or guardian and Police will be contacted immediately.


In the event of a parent/guardian not returning to collect a child, the following procedure will be adhered to:

• The child will be kept in the setting with the management

• The parent/guardian will be called from the personal address system

• If there is no response, the emergency contact person detailed on the personal details log will be contacted

• If the child is left on site for longer than four hours after the time they were supposed to be collected, the social services will be contacted, in accordance with Luton Borough’s Child Protection Policy


It is our policy to ensure that parents/carers can actively participate in the planning and delivery of services to their children. Through this we aim to enable parents/carers to always feel comfortable.

We aim to achieve this by:

• Ensuring consultation with and seek guidance from parents/carers when planning and implementing childcare practices

• Ensuring that parents/carers can work with their children alongside us

• Ensuring parents/carers have the opportunity to review their children’s progress on a regular basis with us

• Ensuring parents/carers are informed about policies, procedures and guidelines and copies are always available

• Offering parents/carers the opportunity to participate in curriculum festivals and all daily events

• Ensure that parents/carers can meet with ourselves to discuss relevant issues and concerns should they arise

• There is a written agreement with the parents/carers which sets out the expectations from both parties as to the care of the child, activities provided and business arrangements

• We respect parents/carers views about their child’s preferences and aptitudes and any other information which is required in order to provide good quality care for their child and takes heed of the information provided

• Parents/carers are fully informed about the daily routine and childcare practices. Parents/Carers have opportunities to exchange information about their child on a daily basis. Prompt action is taken on any concerns raised and a record of complaints is maintained

• Records of parents/carers and/or emergency contact details, G.P contact details and appropriate signed consent forms are kept

• Children are only released from our care to individuals named by the parent/carer

• If a child is identified as a child in need (section 17 of the Children’s Act 1989) we, normally with parents/carers permission, give appropriate information to referring agencies

Safeguarding children Policy: Safeguarding Children Statement of intent

Our setting wants to work with children, parents, and the community to ensure the safety and protection of children and to give them the very best start in life.


Our aims are to:

• create an environment in our setting which is safe and secure for all children

• enable children to have the self-confidence and the vocabulary to resist inappropriate approaches;

• encourage children to establish and sustain satisfying relationships within their families, with peers, and with other adults

• encourage children to develop a sense of autonomy and independence

• work with parents to build their understanding of and commitment to the welfare of all our children

To fulfil these aims

• Our staff have received training in Safeguarding Children with the senior staff receiving update training every three years

• We follow the guidelines laid down by the Local Safeguarding Children Board

• We have a copy of the Manual of Safeguarding Children Procedures available for staff to use if required and for parents to see if they wish, along with the publication What to do if you’re worried a Child is being abused

• All members of staff know the settings‟ procedures for recording and reporting incidents

• In consultation with parents/carers we can refer children for additional help through the Common Assessment Framework

• We notify the registration authority (Ofsted) of any incident or accident which affects the wellbeing of children

• We have procedures for contacting the local authority’s Intake and Assessment Team on safeguarding children issues

• If a report is to be made to the authorities, we take advice from the Intake and Assessment Team in deciding whether we must inform the child's parents at the same time

How we ensure that Children are safe and protected Staffing and volunteering

• We have a named person who coordinates safeguarding children’s issues

• We provide adequate and appropriate staffing resources to meet the needs of children

• All staff have a duty to maintain the wellbeing of children in their care

• Applicants for posts within the setting are clearly informed that the positions are exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974. Candidates are informed of the need to carry out Enhanced DBS checks and take-up references before posts can be confirmed. Where applications are rejected because of information that has been disclosed, applicants have the right to know and to challenge incorrect information

• All applicants and employees must disclose anything which may affect their suitability to work with children before and during their employment (EYFS Welfare Standard 11)

• We abide by Ofsted requirements in respect of references and police checks for staff and volunteers, to ensure that no disqualified person or unfit person works at the setting or has access to the children

• Volunteers do not work unsupervised

• We abide by the Protection of Children Act requirements in respect of any person who is dismissed from our employment, or resigns in circumstances that would otherwise have lead to dismissal for reasons of safeguarding children concern

• We have procedures for recording the details of visitors to the setting

• We take security steps to ensure that we have control over who comes into the setting so that no unauthorised person has unsupervised access to the children


Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH-FRONT DOOR):

01582 547653

Luton Children & Families Social Care Service:


For Family Partnership Service contact must be made to MASH-FRONT DOOR:

01582 547653 

Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) Referral of allegations made against staff/volunteers:

01582 548069 

Emergency Duty Team Out of office hours:

0300 3008123 

Ofsted National Business Unit:

0300 123 1231 

The Police (Luton):

01582 401212 

The Police (Emergency):


Safeguarding in Education Manager:

01582 548984

Kathy Sears:

07715 037804

Safeguarding in Education Officer Education (MARAC Representative:


Ella Sealey:

07851 384951

Childcare Advice and Support Officer:

01582 548995

Martina Timoney:

07876 397456

Dept for Education website:

Disciplinary Action

Where a member of staff or a volunteer is dismissed from the setting or internally disciplined because of misconduct relating to a child, we notify Ofsted and the Department of Health so that the name may be included on the List for the Protection of Children and Vulnerable Adults.


All our staff have received training on Safeguarding Children Issues. We seek out training opportunities for all adults involved in the setting to ensure that they are able to recognise the signs and symptoms of possible physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse and neglect and so that they are aware of the local authority guidelines for making referrals. We ensure that all staff are aware of the procedures for reporting and recording their concerns in the setting.


The layout of the room allows for constant supervision. Where children need to spend time away from the rest of the group, the door is left ajar.


• We create within the setting a culture of value and respect for the individual

• We ensure that this is carried out in a way that is appropriate for the ages and development stages of our children

• We introduce key elements of safeguarding children into our foundation stage curriculum or activity planning so that children can develop an understanding of why and how to keep safe. (e.g., Stranger Danger, Road Safety)


• We ensure that all parents know how to complain about staff or volunteer action within the setting, which may include an allegation of abuse

• We have a procedure on Allegations made against a member of staff

• We notify Ofsted, the Intake and Assessment Team and the LADO when we receive an allegation made about a member of staff, in line with our procedure

• We follow all the disclosure and recording procedures when investigating an allegation that a member of staff or volunteer has abused a child as if it were an allegation of abuse by any other person

If we suspect abuse

• We acknowledge that abuse of children can take different forms - physical, emotional, sexual and neglect

• When children are suffering from physical, sexual or emotional abuse, this may be demonstrated through changes in their behaviour, or in their play. Where such changes in behaviour occur, or where children's play gives cause for concern, the setting investigates

• We allow investigation to be carried out with sensitivity. Staff in the setting take care not to influence the outcome either through the way they speak to children or ask questions of children

• Where a child shows signs and symptoms of 'failure to thrive' or neglect, we make appropriate We seek parent’s permissions before making a referral unless by seeking this permission we put a child at risk

• We work co-operatively with the parent unless this is inconsistent with the need to ensure the child’s safety

Disclosures made to us

Where a child makes a disclosure to a member of staff, that member of staff:

• offers reassurance to the child

• listens to the child, and

• gives reassurance that she or he will act

The member of staff does not question the child – the golden rule is observe and listen, but do not probe.

Recording and Reporting suspicions of abuse and disclosures Staff make a record of:

• The child's name; address, date of birth

• The date and time of the observation or the disclosure

• An objective record of the observation or disclosure

• The exact words spoken by the child

• The name of the person to whom the concern was reported, with date and time

• The names of any other person present at the time

These records are signed and dated and kept in a separate confidential file.

The member of staff will discuss the incident with the Designated Person and a decision will be made about who should be notified. If a child’s safety is at risk the Intake and Assessment Team will be contacted immediately. We will take advice from them regarding information then given to parents.

In a case where a child is not in immediate danger, we try to discuss the matter with parents before making any referrals. However, it is the welfare of the child which is paramount, and this is at the forefront of all our actions. We are aware that many children have suffered because of lack of communication between agencies, and that government guidance now encourages the full sharing of information. We shall therefore use our professional judgement in sharing information with the agencies that ‘need to know‟, being open and honest with parents and children as to why we feel we need to share the information.

Full records of conversations will be maintained when any referrals or discussions are held with any other agencies or with parents prior to a referral. These records will include dates and times of the conversation, who we speak to, and the advice we were given.

Informing Parents

We will always aim to involve parents in any referrals before they are made. However, if a suspicion of abuse is recorded, and the child is considered at risk an immediate referral will be made to the Intake and Assessment Team and we will take their advice on informing parents.


All suspicions and investigations are kept confidential and shared only with those who need to know. If there are concerns within a setting it is important that the Designated Person is made aware of them. However, children will work with a number of different adults in a setting and they should also be made aware that there are concerns about an aspect of well-being of the child in question. Any information shared with external agencies is done under the guidance of the Local Safeguarding Children Board.

Support to families

• The setting takes every step in its power to build up trusting and supportive relations among families, staff and volunteers in the group

• The setting continues to welcome the child and the family whilst investigations are being made in relation to abuse in the home situation

• Confidential records kept on a child are shared with the child's parents or those who have parental responsibility for the child only if appropriate under the guidance of the Local Safeguarding Children Board

• With the proviso that the care and safety of the child is paramount, we do all in our power to support and work with the child's family


• Neglect: The persistent or severe neglect of a child which results in significant impairment of the child’s health or e.g.

• Failure to provide adequate food, clothing or shelter (including abandonment or exclusion from home)

• Failure to protect from physical or emotional harm

• Failure to meet child’s basic emotional needs

• Failure to ensure adequate supervision

• Failure to ensure access to appropriate medical care

• Physical Abuse: Deliberate or intended injury to a e.g.

• Hitting shaking, throwing, burning, scalding, drowning, suffocating, or poisoning

• Deliberate inducement of an illness

• Sexual Abuse: Actual or likely sexual e.g.

• Use of force or enticement to take part in sexual activity penetrative, or non – penetrative

• Involvement in non-contact activities such as looking at or making abusive images

• Encouraging children to watch sexual activities

• Encouraging children to behave in sexually inappropriate ways

• Any sexual activity with a child under the age of 16. (With or without agreement)

• Emotional Abuse: Persistent or severe emotional ill treatment or rejection which adversely affects the child’s emotional and behavioural e.g.

• Conveying to a child that they are worthless, unloved or inadequate

• Overprotection, limiting exploration and learning, preventing normal social interaction, or imposing inappropriate expectations

• Causing a child to feel frightened or in danger by the witnessing of violence towards another person whether domestic or not


It is extremely difficult to determine if abuse has occurred. Staff should look carefully at the behaviour of their children and be alert for significant changes. Staff should be aware that children may exhibit any of the following without abuse having occurred:

• Disclosure

• Non accidental injury, bruising or marks

• Explanation inconsistent with injury

• Several different explanations for an injury

• Reluctance to give information about an injury

• A sudden change in behaviour – aggression, extroversion, depression, withdrawn

• Attention seeking

• Hyperactivity

• Poor attention

• Appear frightened of parents or family members

• Abnormal attachment between parent and child

• Indiscriminate attachment

• Hyper alertness

• Reduced response

• Frozen

• Nightmares

• Anxiety/irritability

• Abdominal pain/headaches

• Poor self esteem

• Poor peer relationships

• Act in an inappropriate way for age

• Over sexualised play/talk or drawings

• Excessive or inappropriate masturbation

• Self harm/eating disorder

• Frequent visits to the toilet (urinary infection)

• Failure to thrive

• Poor hygiene

• Recurrent/untreated infections of skin or head lice

• Untreated health/dental issues

• Frequent absence from nursery

• Delay in meeting normal developmental milestones

Whistle blowing

We provide an environment in which children and adults feel confident to express concerns regarding the behaviour of a member of staff.

All staff must be aware that they cannot promise the child confidentiality

Supporting Staff

We recognise that staff working in the nursery who have become involved with a child who has suffered harm or appears to be likely to suffer harm may find the situation stressful and upsetting.

We will support such staff by providing an opportunity to talk through their anxieties with the manager and to seek further support.

Allegations against staff

There may be times when a child makes an allegation against a member of staff. In such cases procedures will be carried out in accordance with the LA Guideline ,Staff Facing an Allegation of Abuse‟ which are intended to be complementary and supplementary to the guidance contained in the Local Safeguarding Children Board Manual of Child Protection Procedures. LADO and Ofsted will be informed.

If such an allegation is made, the member of staff receiving the allegation will immediately inform the Designated Person where they will undertake a full internal investigation and the member of staff suspended pending the outcome of the investigation.

The Designated Person, on all such occasions, will discuss the content of the allegation with Ofsted.

Prevent, Terrorism and Radicalisation Policy (September 2021)

The reference and guidance relating to this area of policy can be verified by contacting Ofsted:

 08456 404040 /publications/prevent-duty-guidance

Please note: The relevant documentation is the second one on the list titled “Prevent Duty Guidance for England and Wales”

The counter Terrorism and Security Act places a duty on Early Years settings to “have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism’’.

The new documentation will be used and referred to alongside other safeguarding documents such as “Working Together to Safeguard Children” and information referring to British Values.

Within the EYFS we will promote British Values, teaching children right from wrong at an early age. We will teach about decision making and about respecting each other’s views and values, taking about feelings, and learning to share ideas and take turns during play. We will also promote the importance of having rules and boundaries in place and the importance of those rules.

PSED (personal social and emotional development) and UW (Understanding the World) also teach children to have a positive sense of themselves and believe in their own abilities and to challenge themselves,

We will encourage children to not stereotype and to be considerate and accepting of others., despite their differences and to respect each other. Any unwanted behaviour showing otherwise will be monitored and with parent involvement, procedures will be put in place.

Older children will be monitored on ICT equipment with the use of parental controls to limit what they do on the internet.

Blooming Wild has an unconditional policy of reporting all instances of radicalisation behaviour to the relevant authorities.


Whilst the likelihood of a terrorist attack is very low it remains a possibility. It is our role to ensure that in the event of such, the impact upon your child is minimised.

Should an attack happen it is vitally important for staff to stay calm and reduce the threat to the children. We will maintain a watching brief on the national threat assessment level and follow any guidance updates issued by HMG.

Lockdown policy and Procedure

• When outside the nursery location:

• Younger Children on reins or holding staff members by the hand, always remaining as a coherent group.

• All children will have been briefed on stranger danger and safety in the environment.

• If a security alert is on-going the staff will first follow direction from the emergency services and alert parents to our situation once it is safe and possible to do so.

• The lead staff member on any group will always have a charged mobile phone available complete with all parent contact numbers.

• Staff will never leave the children unless instructed to do so by Police who will take responsibility for their immediate safety – but never do so without knowing where their safe location is to be.

• An attack may not be directly related to the nursery or the location where the staff and children are; but may be in a location that will cause a parent to be unable to reach their child pick-up point safely or on time. In such extreme circumstances the nursery staff will act to keep the children safe until they and parents can be re-united.

Whilst on Nursery Premises:


• We will practice emergency procedures and discuss these with children.

• In the unlikely event of a terrorist attack, we will adhere to the STAY SAFE principles wherever possible which include:


• Escape if you can

• Consider the safest options.

• Is there a safe route? Run if not then hide.

• Can you get there without exposing yourself to greater danger?

• Insist that others leave with you

• Leave belongings behind.


• If you cannot run, HIDE

• Find cover from gunfire

• If you cannot see the attacker, they may be able to see you

• Even if you cannot be seen, you may not yet be safe

• Be aware of your exits

• Try not to get trapped, be quiet and ensure any mobile phones are on silent.

• Lock or barricade yourself in.

• Move away from doors.

• All doors in Blooming wild are security scan fire doors, so never remove your lanyard with your access card on it – this is the best barrier to deter an attacker reaching you and the children.

• The safe room in BLOOMING WILD is the HUB room. All staff must gather there in the event of an incident. Secure the door to the courtyard by locking it with the key which is kept on the peg immediately above it.


• Call 999 – What do the Police need to know?

• Location – where are the suspected attackers?

• Direction – Where did you last see the attackers?

• Descriptions of the attackers, (number, features, clothing, weapons etc.)

• Stop other people from entering the building if it is safe to do so.

Police May

• Point guns at you

• Treat you firmly or shout

• Question you

• Be unable to distinguish you from an attacker

• Officers will evacuate you when it is safe to do so


We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Therefore, it is vital that the Nursery applies recruitment and selection procedures that identify people who are unsuited to work with children. The measures detailed in this policy apply to anyone who has sole responsible for the care of children for any length of time and includes those who regularly come into contact with children in a supporting or voluntary capacity.

This Safer Recruitment Policy has been drawn upon the DCSF guidance Safeguarding Children and Safer Recruitment in Education (2007). Other key documents are: Working Together to Safeguard Children (2006), What to do if you're worried a child is being abused (2006)


To help deter, reject, or identify people who might abuse children or are otherwise unsuited to working with them by having appropriate procedures for appointing staff.

To operate such procedures consistently and thoroughly while obtaining, collating, analysing, and evaluating information from and about applicants.

To seek to secure an ongoing safe and secure environment for children by ensuring all staff are suitably trained in recognising and responding to signs of abuse.

Recruitment Procedures

To ensure safer recruitment, we will:

Ensure that when a post is advertised the advertisement makes clear the organisation's commitment to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.

Ensure that the job description refers to the responsibility for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.

Ensure that the person specification includes specific reference to suitability to work with children.

Obtain and scrutinise comprehensive information from applicants and take up and satisfactorily resolve any discrepancies or anomalies.

Obtain independent professional and character references that answer specific questions to help assess an applicant's suitability to work with children and follow up any concerns.

Conduct a face-to-face interview to explore the candidate's suitability to work with children as well as his/her suitability for the post.

Verify the successful candidate's identity.

Verify, where necessary, that the successful applicant has all the academic or vocational qualifications claimed

Check his/her previous employment history and experience. Verify that s/he has the health and physical capacity for the job.

Conduct the mandatory check list of List 99 and/or the Protection of Children Act (PoCA) List and an enhanced DBS disclosure check via the DBS.

Ensure new staff are familiarised with our Child Protection Policies.

Supervision Policy Introduction

We believe that the provision of a high-quality service can only be achieved through good practice from competent and confident staff. For this to happen, it is necessary for staff members to be provided with direction, support, learning opportunities and regular supervision.

Supervision is a formal process in which the workload and performance of each member of the team is consistently evaluated and reviewed, to raise standards and facilitate learning and change.

This supervision policy identifies the practice, principles, and process of supervision within our setting.

Supervision objectives

• Create an atmosphere of shared trust, honest and good communication

• Ensure that the staff members provide an efficient and effective service

• Help staff to grow and develop professionally

• Maximise staff knowledge and skills

• Encourage the development of a reflective practitioner

• Support staff members within the work context

• Enable staff members to feel good about their jobs

• Agree and assess learning and career development

The purpose of supervision

Supervision is not just a key means of supporting and developing staff, it is also a very effective way of influencing the quality of the service that you provide. Managers need to use supervision to:

• Help staff to understand their roles and responsibilities in the setting

• Support staff in continuing to learn and develop professionally in order that they may cope with the changing demands of the workplace

• Enable staff to initiate fresh ways of looking at their practice

• Encourage staff to become effective and positive members of the team

• Support staff in evaluating their professional progress and reflect on their practice

• Celebrate staff members‟ achievements

• Support staff in managing negative stress and establishing a useful balance between work and personal life

• Give constructive feedback

• Identify training and development opportunities

The supervision process

To offer supervision, managers need to have good interpersonal and communication skills as well as a thorough knowledge of their job. They also need to be able to manage the supervision process, setting clear boundaries, separating their own values, attitudes, and beliefs from others, while remaining sensitive to those of their staff members.

Managers must endeavour to help their staff get the most from their experience in the setting. Creating a formal process is a useful starting point.

• Supervision is a planned and formal process

• Staff need to sign a supervision contract that states that they are prepared to work within the policy and contribute to the process

• Managers and staff will prepare for supervision and consider what needs discussing in advance

• An agenda will be prepared to remind staff of the key areas of their This could include key children, training, implementing policies and procedures, relationship with colleagues, new interests and so on

• The meetings will be on a one-to-one basis and take place every eight weeks

• Managers will ensure that a supervision session is conducted in a positive way. Staff will be encouraged to ask questions and have their views considered. Supervision is ultimately a key factor in the development of the reflective practitioner

• Supervision will be recorded and both parties will have a copy of the records

• At the end of each supervision session, managers and staff members will agree on SMART targets and record this agreed action

• Records will be stored in a safe place and, if needed for other purposes such as a disciplinary hearing, will be used within policies and procedures. Records will be kept within the principles of the Data Protection Act 1998

Roles and responsibilities Supervisors have the responsibility to:

• Hold regular supervision at least every eight weeks

• Encourage the supervisee to identify and meet their job-related training and development, including induction

• Makes staff aware of development opportunities open to them

• Plan and prepare supervision in advance

• Review staff progress to inform the training and development plan

• Ensure that all supervision records are complete

• Keep all records secure and private

Supervisees have the right to:

• Ask questions about how things are done and what is expected and receive a clear and informative reply

• Be given appropriate support for all aspects of work undertaken

• Have their viewpoints listened to and considered

• Have achievement and consistent good practice recognised and encouraged

• Discuss and complete a training and development plan

• Be informed clearly and constructively with specific examples if there are areas where work is not satisfactory


This policy applies to all staff. It is the responsibility of line managers to ensure that supervision is carried out within this policy. It is also worth remembering that good supervision depends on:

• Mutual trust

• Honesty

• Good communication

• Mutual support

• Clear

Safeguarding/Whistleblowing/Allegation against a member of staff Policies

A person who is barred from working with children or vulnerable adults will be breaking the law if they work or volunteer or try to work or volunteer within our setting.

We will never knowingly employ someone who is barred to work with those groups and ensure through our safer recruitment policy and procedures this is the case.

In the event any member of staff or volunteer working with the children has been dismissed or removed because they have harmed a child, or would have done so if they had not left, we would inform the Disclosure and Barring Service.

Mobile Phones

In the Early Years Foundation Stage (Nursery and Foundation 2) personal mobile phone calls, texting, picture messaging, photo and video mobile facilities are banned from being used anywhere in the workplace during working hours and no pictures are allowed to be taken on company premises for security reasons. Only school authorised cameras, still and video, may be used to take picture or video evidence of the children’s progress towards the EYFS outcomes. The pictures and video taken for this purpose remains the property of the Nursery and must not be used for any other purpose.

Following technological advancement, many people use a wrist watch style apparatus that is email and media enabled. It is not acceptable to have these items in use while working with children. Staff must ensure that these are in airplane mode whilst on duty. If the apparatus has a photographic function this must be disabled. Failing that, the apparatus cannot be worn during working hours and should be secured in the staff locker.

Intimate Care Policy

Intimate care can be defined as care tasks of an intimate nature, associated with bodily functions, body products and personal hygiene, which demand direct or indirect contact with, or exposure of the genitals. Examples include care associated with continence.

Children’s dignity will be preserved and a high level of privacy, choice and control will be provided to them. Staff who provide intimate care to children have a high awareness of child protection issues. Staff behaviour is open to scrutiny and staff work in partnership with parents/carers to provide continuity of care to children/young people wherever possible.

Staff deliver a full personal safety curriculum, as part of Personal, Social and Health Education, to all children as appropriate to their developmental level and degree of understanding. This work is shared

with parents who are encouraged to reinforce the personal safety message within the home.

We are committed to ensuring that all staff responsible for intimate care of children will undertake their duties in a professional manner at all times. We recognise that there is a need to treat all children with respect when intimate care is given. No child should be attended to in a way that causes distress or pain.

Our Approach to Best Practice

All children who require intimate care are treated respectfully at all times; the child’s welfare and dignity is of paramount importance.

Staff who provide intimate care are fully aware of best practice. Apparatus will be provided to assist with children who need special arrangements following assessment from physiotherapist/occupational therapist as required.

Staff will be supported to adopt their practice in relation to the needs of the individual children, considering developmental changes

There is careful communication with each child who needs help with intimate care, in line with their preferred means of communication (verbal, symbolic, etc) to discuss the child’s needs and preferences. The child is aware of each procedure that is carried out and the reasons for it.

As a basic principle, children will be supported to achieve the highest level of autonomy that is possible, given their age and abilities. Staff will encourage each child to do as much for themselves as they can.

Each child’s right to privacy will be respected. Careful consideration will be given to each child’s situation to determine how many carers might need to be present when a child needs help with intimate care. Where possible, one child will be cared for by one adult, unless there is sound reason for having two adults present. If this is the case, the reasons should be clearly documented.

Wherever possible, the same child will not be cared for by the same adult on a regular basis. This will ensure, as far as is possible, that over-familiar relationships are discouraged from developing.

If a member of staff has any concerns about physical changes in a child’s presentation, e.g., marks, bruises, soreness etc she/he will immediately

report concerns to the appropriate person for child protection. A clear record of the concern will be completed and referred on if necessary. (See child protection policy)

If a child becomes unhappy or distressed about being cared for by a particular member of staff, the matter will be investigated, and outcomes recorded. Parents/carers will be contacted at the earliest opportunity as part of the process, to reach a resolution. The child’s needs will remain paramount. Further advice will be taken from outside agencies if necessary.

Confidentiality Policy – safe use of photography and video recording in the setting.

This policy is formed from the Data Protection Act, which regulates how personal information is used and protects individuals from misuse of personal details. The settings work with children and families will sometimes bring us into contact with confidential information.

There will be occasions during the year where parent(s)/carer(s) will wish to take photographs or make a video recording of their child/children taking part in a activity as part of Pre-school or Out of School Club. These activities will include end of term parties, special events, educational visits, or being a helper.

For the setting to ensure that, as far as possible, parents/carers use of photography and video is safe, the setting will follow these guidelines:

• Permission will be sought from parents/carers for photographs to be taken of their child/children while in the setting or involved in setting activities

• Parents will sign to agree that they will only use the photographs/video for their own purposes and will not use them inappropriately

• We will inform parents/carers that photography/video recording will only take place in designated areas. We will allocate specific times during outings/educational visits for photographs to be taken in appropriate Information will be given before each outing/educational visit takes place

• Where possible, the setting will take photographs and copies can be provided Information will be given at the time of the event

• The Nursery operates a CCTV system to guarantee staff and children’s security and safety. The system is closed circuit and access to recordings is restricted to Nursery managers only or legal authorities upon appropriate request.

All the undertakings above are subject to the paramount commitment of the setting, which is to the safety and well-being of the child.

Confidentiality Policy Part 2

Because we work with children and families which sometimes brings us into contact with confidential information.

To ensure that all those using our setting have confidence, we will respect confidentiality in the following ways:

• We will not discuss individual children, other than for the purpose of curriculum planning/group management, with people other than parents/carers of that child

• Information given by parents/carers to us will not be passed on to other adults without permission

• Any anxieties/ evidence relating to a child’s personal safety will be kept in a confidential file and will not be shared with any other person except professional bodies where appropriate

All the undertaking above is subject to the paramount commitment of us which is to the safety, and wellbeing of the child.

Settling in Policy

It is important that children feel safe and happy in the absence of their parents/carers, to recognise other adults as a source of authority, help and friendship and to be able to share with their parents/carers afterwards the new learning experience whilst in our care.

To accomplish this, we will:

• Encourage parents/carers to visit us with their children during the weeks before admission is planned

• Introduce flexible admission procedures, if appropriate, to meet the needs of each individual family and child

• Make clear to families from the outset that they will be supported by us for as long as it takes to settle their child

• Reassure parents/carers whose children seem to be taking a long time settling

• Introduce new families into the group on a staggered basis

• Encourage parents/carers, where appropriate to separate from their children for brief periods of time at first, gradually building up to longer absences

Children cannot play or learn successfully if they are anxious or unhappy. The settling procedures aim to help parent/carers to help their children to feel comfortable in our care to benefit from what it has to offer, and to be confident that their parents/carers will return at the end of the session

Environmental Policy

We aim to improve our environmental performance in the following areas:

Reducing our carbon footprint:

Our aim is to reduce our carbon footprint as far as we can.

During 2021/2022 we intend to measure our Carbon Footprint and put in place an action plan to reduce our footprint year on year.

Community involvement:

We will, through books, web sites and teacher resources promote themes that will inspire children and their communities to adopt and implement environmentally friendly activities.

Educate employees:

We will educate and train our employees in environmental issues and the environmental effects of their activities.

Monitor environmental performance:

We will monitor and review our environmental performance on a regular basis (usually annually).

Product creation and marketing materials:

We will utilise Internet and digital technologies to reduce usage of paper and packaging material and to reduce mailing activity.


We will assist and encourage staff to use public transport and „greener‟ modes of transport wherever possible and we will reduce transportation of our products wherever feasible.


We will recycle items that can be efficiently and cost-effectively recycled or re-used. We will conform to WEEE directives for the disposal of electrical and electronic equipment. A large proportion of our waste is currently recycled with recycling bins throughout the setting. We will continue to build upon the recycling programme and review annually.

Reduce packaging materials and minimise waste:

We will minimise packaging and comply with packaging waste directives. We will minimise the amount of waste that is sent to landfill by reducing usage, using more products that can be recycled and finding new ways to recycle waste.

Building improvements:

We will aim to set aside funding for building improvements or heating/cooling efficiencies that will further reduce the carbon footprint of our buildings.

Greener IT:

We will aim to set a side funding for technology improvements that will reduce the carbon footprint of our IT infrastructure.

Energy Usage:

We will encourage efficient use of water and energy (gas, oil and electricity) and reduce our consumption with efficiency initiatives and staff education.

Clinical Waste:

Clinical waste is disposed off by a registered company under the Environmental Protection Act 1990-section 34. We will be monitoring the amount of clinical waste we produce and look to find ways in which to reduce this.


We intend to provide the highest quality education and care for all the children. We aim to welcome each individual child and family and to provide a warm and caring environment in which all children can learn and develop as they play.

We believe children and parents/carers are entitled to expect courtesy and prompt, careful attention to their needs and wishes. Our intention is to work in partnership with parents.

Any parent/carer who is uneasy about any aspect of the childcare provision should feel free to talk over any worries and anxieties with us.

How to complain:

Stage 1

Any parent who is uneasy about an aspect of the settings provision talks over, first, his/her worries and anxieties with the manager.

Stage 2

If this does not have a satisfactory outcome, or if the problem recurs, the parent moves to Stage 2 of the procedure by putting the concerns or complaint in writing to the manager of the setting.

The parent will receive a response to the complaint within 20 days of the complaint being received

Stage 3

The parent may request a meeting with the manager of the setting. Both the parent and the leader may have a friend or partner present if required. An agreed written record of the discussion is made. All the parties present at the meeting sign the record and receive a copy of it.

This signed record signifies that the procedure has concluded.

Stage 4

If at the Stage 3 meeting the parent and setting cannot reach agreement, an external mediator may be invited to help to settle the complaint. This person should be acceptable to both parties, listen to both sides and offer advice. A mediator has no legal powers but can help to define the problem, review the action so far and suggest further ways in which it might be resolved.

The mediator keeps all discussion confidential. S/he can hold separate meetings with the manager of the setting and the parent, if this is decided to be helpful. The mediator keeps an agreed written record of any meetings that are held and of any advice s/he gives.

Stage 5

When the mediator has concluded her/his investigations, a final meeting between the parent, the leader and the manager is held. The purpose of this meeting is to reach a decision on the action to be taken to deal with the complaint. The mediator's advice is used to reach this conclusion. The mediator is present at the meeting if all parties think this will help a decision to be reached.

A record of this meeting, including the decision on the action to be taken, is made. Everyone present at the meeting signs the record and receives a copy of it. This signed record signifies that the procedure has concluded.

Parents may approach Ofsted directly at any stage of this complaint’s procedure. In addition, where there seems to be a possible breach of our registration requirements, it is essential to involve Ofsted as the registering and inspection body.

The address and telephone number of Ofsted is:

The Complaints Manager

Ofsted National Business Unit Piccadilly Gate

Store Street Manchester M1 2WD

0300 123 1231


A record of complaints against our setting and/or the children and/or the adults working in our setting is kept, including the date, the circumstances of the complaint and how the complaint was managed.

This record will be retained in line with the welfare requirements which is that they should be kept for at least 3 years.

In accordance with paragraph 25(3)(g) of Schedule 1 to the Education (Independent School Standards) (England) Regulations 2010, we will make available to parents of pupils and of prospective pupils and provide, on request, to the Chief Inspector, the Secretary of State or the ISI for the purposes of section 162A(1) of the Education Act 2002 (as subsequently amended), details of the complaints procedure and the number of complaints registered under the formal procedure during the preceding school year.